Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blessing of the Book

Holy tootsies! My blogging addiction has taken a backseat to school... and everything else in life.

As an undergraduate, I took an on-site literacy course. My course revolved around the literacy program that my school used. My former district utilizes the Four Blocks framework for literacy. One of the books we read/skimmed/browsed was "Self-Selected Reading The Four Blocks Way". One of the strategies suggested in this book is the "blessing of the book". Basically, when teachers give their stamp of approval on books students will be drawn to read those books.

While student teaching, I wanted to create a basket for special books. Of course, I needed a basket. Then, one day... my dad gave me a basket of Mizzou gear. It worked perfectly!

Now, you can find a basket sitting in my classroom with special books! Right now, it's packed full of Halloween reads. Earlier, it was filled with mentor texts for personal narratives. I wonder what will fill the basket next month?

1 comment:

  1. Blessing books REALLY WORKS :) I have a "Special Book" area as well - I have a bunch of pop-up books and other specialty books that I set out for the month. The kids BEG for them! I also have "content" books on my history table that are special and go along with what we are studying - they clamber for these as well!


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